- Establish Pinkhealth a division of Sahajanand Life Sciences as a research & scientific evidence based Phytomedicines Company to improve quality of life and address unmet medical needs
Harnessing the colossal potential of the EthnoPharmacology of the Indian systems of medicine, principally that of Ayurveda, we have successfully amalgamated the pearls of traditional wisdom inherited from our prodigious ancestors, with the incredible advances and leading edge, state-of-the-art technology of Modern Medicine to create a globally germane prototype in providing synergistic medicines of superior clinical value to the patients.
It has been a Herculean task bridging the ubiquitous gaps between the two dissimilar paradigms of healthcare, but our intensive research and the single-minded dedication of our scientific team have yielded results beyond compare and has enabled us to create a unique INTEGRATED SYSTEM OF INDIAN MEDICINE, unparalleled in the history of mankind.
- Our researched products of medicinal herbs to be made available to all around the World, for better and robust health
India is blessed with "Ayurveda", arguably the oldest surviving system of medicine in the Universe, in existence since more than 4000 years, which serves as a rich warehouse of EthnoPharmacological leads and can be leveraged for shortening the length and to substantially reduce the lead time and costs of drug discovery. In addition, India is endowed with a rich biodiversity which facilitates unlimited access to a rich repository of medicinal herbs to conduct rigorous research on.